Old Man Take a Look At My Life

When you think of hand-me-downs, clothes probably come to your mind. Amazingly, I’ve had a sizeable collection of old hammer handed down to me. It’s finally time to give these gems their moment in the spotlight.

6mm SciFi

Welcome to 2184, a world where the new trillionaire class produce, and deploy B.A.V.s to nations with low GDP to garner influence. There are also horrible aliens and, what the hell, heinous demons. Why not?

Barnacle Bruv and the Man Eaters

Perched in his crow’s nest, Barnacle Bruv peers through his looking glass, hunting for the day’s bounty. Manifesting forty-odd pounds of man-guts per mate is a daily chore for the diminutive freebooter.

Angrislaug, The Last Dragon

his piece drove me back to my computer chair to play video games. About 60% of the way through the paint job I put down my brush, instead of introducing this scaly prick to the wall via two-seam fastball.

First Commission of 2019

There are more citizens on the way, but for now here are some shots of a terrain commission I took on. The job included cutting the Garden of Morr set from sprue, attaching everything to MDF bases, and painting!