Year in Review - 2020

Year in Review - 2020

As lonely as it was, 2020 was a great opportunity to bang out some projects.

Projects completed: Two 3000pt 15mm Kings of War armies, one gigantic 28mm terrain piece, two plastic 28mm warbands (16), a handful of lead figures(7) and some 6mm scifi stuff.

Along the way I picked up many items to fill out the horizon wars collection. I cleaned, glued and primed many upcoming projects such as this warbringer maximus from Nuclear Shrimp Games.


Without tallying any totals, I will say that I’m very satisfied with how much I’ve been able to complete these last 365 days.


Not only did I finish two 15mm Kings of War armies, but I managed to get a game in against my good friend Brandon of the Dice over Everything podcast.


Then it was time to paint the beast. As this was a pretty over-the-top Christmas gift I really felt compelled to show my gratitude. Starting the year off with all the heavy hitters.


With that fairly extreme project under my belt, I had a chance to work on my new obsession: 6mm!


Then I jumped into some old and new chaos warriors.


A random Mierce Werewolf.


Then the two most arduous projects of the year: the undead and knightly warbands. This will be the last project that sees me painting more than one miniature at a time.


After those two warbands were complete I parlayed the mojo into a most productive December.


This year I have tried to move away from queuing projects and attaching deadlines to them. The collection is at a place now where I feel I can paint whatever interests me next with no pressure.

I’ll leave you with one of my favourite photos of 2020, showing some of what’s to come in 2021. Cheers!

City Roads for 6mm

City Roads for 6mm

Red Wizard of the Northern Holds

Red Wizard of the Northern Holds