Ill Bill and the Tyrant Crew

Ill Bill and the Tyrant Crew

Near the bottom of the 'middle-hive' of Hive Sibellus Ill Bill spits his lyrical hot fire. Those who don't like it catch his hands, or the mass-reactive shells of Fat Ruby's side arm. 

When the delinquent denizens of the middle hive seek to travel to the Underhive to procure illicit substances, or hire unscrupulous individuals they must go through one of the many gatekeepers. Ill Bill does his best to offer safe travels and protection for the correct price, unless you're an Arbite. Are you an Arbite? You have to tell me if I ask, it's the law! 

The whole crew.

The whole crew.

Ill Bill and his portable karaoke machine.

Ill Bill and his portable karaoke machine.

Fat Ruby Repping his colours.

Fat Ruby Repping his colours.



Drusa and her Motorcycle, stolen from a very Squat individual.

Drusa and her Motorcycle, stolen from a very Squat individual.

Ugly Balbina twists her gat to show how G she is

Ugly Balbina twists her gat to show how G she is

Top 10 Dragons

Top 10 Dragons

An Exercise in Critique 

An Exercise in Critique