Old Man Take a Look At My Life

Old Man Take a Look At My Life

When you think of hand-me-downs, clothes probably come to your mind. Amazingly, I’ve had a sizeable collection of old hammer handed down to me. It’s finally time to give these gems their moment in the spotlight.

Because I inherited these from Oldenhammer in Toronto, I figured I would attempt to paint them in his style. The way he paints is distinctly oldhammer, but with a dash of pointalism.

Talisman Troll.jpg
Talisman Thief.jpg
Talisman Minstrel.jpg

I started with this geezer. I painted him while referencing the photos above. I would give some background on the figure, but I couldn’t suss out his origin using my google-fu.

Old Man Oldenhammer
Old Man Oldenhammer
Old Man Oldenhammer

This is my first attempt, but not my last! I didn’t nail the style, but I’m moving in the right direction. Here he is next to a reveler I painted Jan 2019. I need to turn the vibrancy way up, and use thicker black lines. This exercise was way more challenging than I was expecting!

Old Man Oldenhammer
Jury-rigged Cyclorama

Jury-rigged Cyclorama

The Lotto Mech Mercenary

The Lotto Mech Mercenary